TLE: Gratitude Sunday Jan 5-12

For many of us in the United States and especially here in California, we watched in horror as wild fires ripped through the Los Angeles area. While wild fires are nothing new for California residents, this one felt different. We watched as thousands of homes burned, entire neighborhoods were destroyed and thousands of families are displaced. As i write this, the fires are ongoing and have not been fully contained.
This week has been tough, but i have so much gratitude in my heart and thanks to Jesus for carrying me thought the start of January. My gratitude list is a reminder to me and hopefully anyone who comes across this, that we should never take life for granted. Three weeks ago most of the world was exchanging gifts and gathering with families and friends, now we face the heartbreaking sight of people suddenly homeless.
I hope this post is a reminder to stop and look around at all you have. A reminder that life is so fragile, yet we are so resilient, and to say thank you to your family members and friends who help you when you need it.
My Gratitude List
Family and friends who care and help you when you are unable to care for yourself.
Amazing team of doctors who were able to find a resolution to my health problems.
Slowness and rest when the world seem to chaotic and busy.