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Marissa George

TLE Living: So What Now? Moving Towards Discipline

There is something so exciting about January 1st. Whether or not you believe in resolutions or goals, everyone thinks about whats next, what will be new, and whether or not they will finally make progress in the new year. As much as i want to be a non-conformist and not have goals, the type A, INFJ personality type in me, wants fresh goals, or at least fresh-ish goals. Part of being human is measuring progress, and lets not deny that we love a good make over, and transformation story. just look at your instagram feed and you will undoubtedly see at least one weight loss transformation, or someone's reel about a grand milestone reached.

Goals are not a bad thing, but more important than goals is discipline. To achieve anything requires discipline, and discipline is not fun. Discipline is what will get my second draft manuscript finished, more blog post posted, less money spent, a more positive mindset, and healthier self-care habits. Over the last two year my goals have remained unchecked, because discipline was no where in sight. I would often joke to my friends that i am consistently inconsistent, which is just a lighthearted way of saying i am chronically undisciplined.

Chronically undisciplined or not, If we are not careful we slip back into whats comfortable. Scrolling, laying on the couch, neglecting your purpose, thinking negative thoughts or having a grumbling spirit, can keep us in a stagnant position. The only way to battle these strongholds is to simply not make room for slip ups. For me, its deleting the app, it's immediately changing for the gym when i get home, its being more aware of the thoughts i let play in my mind, its creating a routine that is easy to follow.

My 2025 goal is to be more disciplined in my self-care, to fill myself up with what nourishes me physically and mentally. This for me goes beyond nutrition, its writing more because it makes me happy, its exchanging social media for in-person quality time, and moving my body not to lose weight but because it helps me feel better mentally and sleep better at night.

What if this year instead of a list you look at the root cause of your goal failure and start there. Maybe for you discipline is not a problem, maybe you hustled hard in 2024 and need to spend 2025 resting. Maybe you are in a major life transition and stepping into your new role is more important to your self-care than pushing yourself to completing a long list of To-do's. Whatever it is, find your root cause and you'll undoubtedly know what you can do to move into the stream of progress in 2025.

Happy New Year




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